Orange Octopus

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an open-source hardware product

OrangePi-One + OctoPrint = OrangeOctopus

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Building an OctoPrint server with an optional webcam on an OrangePi One.

For all those who just need it and don’t want to know how to do it – scroll down to the end. I’ve prepared an image. You can download it there.

Basic hardware setup

  • Download the latest Armbian image for OrangePi One to your PC –
  • Extract it on your PC.
  • Flash it to an 16GB SD-card with Balena Etcher –
  • Put SD-card into OrangePi One
  • Connect OrangePi One with your LAN
  • Connect OrangePi One to your 5V DC power source
Dieses Bild hat ein leeres Alt-Attribut. Der Dateiname ist IMG_5482_2.jpg


The needed low power plug is a little bit special.
The OrangePi can’t be powered through the USB port like an RaspberryPi!
A low power connector with 4mm outer diameter and 1.7mm inner diameter is needed!
You can order it at Conrad Electronics – Link

Armbian setup

  • Download PuTTY –
  • Find out the IP address the OrangePi got from your DHCP
  • Openn PuTTY and connect to the Pi’s IP
  • Use the „root“ user and the initial password „1234“
  • Immediately change the root password like Armbian asks for
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  • Choose bash or zsh – I chose bash
  • Create a new user account like asked – use „orangeoctopus
  • Set a password as asked
  • Choose language settings as asked
Dieses Bild hat ein leeres Alt-Attribut. Der Dateiname ist Create-user.jpg
  • To set a fixed IP address weather IPv4 or IPv6 use the NetworkManager
  • Change hostname to orangeoctopus (if you want to)
$ sudo nmtui
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  • If IP was changed: reboot (power-on-off) and connect to the new IP address via PuTTY
  • Update the software with the following commands
$ sudo apt-get udate
$ sudo apt-get upgrade
  • If you get error messages you can try the following command to solve them
$ sudo apt-get upgrade --fix-missing
  • Observe during re-login if the kernel was updated and reboot if OrangePi asks for that. Or reboot anyway.

Install Octoprint

  • Add user to groups and install python pip and other
$ sudo usermod -aG tty orangeoctopus
$ sudo usermod -aG video orangeoctopus
$ sudo usermod -aG dialout orangeoctopus
$ sudo apt install python3-pip python3-dev python3-setuptools python3-venv git libyaml-dev build-essential ffmpeg
  • If you are not already logged in as orangeoctopus switch to the new created user
$ sudo -u orangeoctopus bash
  • Setup folder and install packages
$ cd /home/orangeoctopus
$ mkdir OctoPrint && cd OctoPrint
$ python3 -m venv venv
$ source venv/bin/activate
$ pip install pip --upgrade
$ pip install octoprint
  • Create auto start function when OrangePi is powered
$ wget
$ sudo mv octoprint.service /etc/systemd/system/octoprint.service
  • Edit octoprint.service
    • Make sure that User= contains above used username „orangeoctopus
    • Make sure that the ExecStart= path is correct and contains „orangeoctopus
$ sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/octoprint.service
Dieses Bild hat ein leeres Alt-Attribut. Der Dateiname ist Edit-octoprint-service.jpg
  • Exit and save the file
  • Activate service with the following commands
$ sudo systemctl enable octoprint
$ sudo systemctl start octoprint
  • Change Port from 5000 to 80
  • For that install haproxy
  • And open the config file with nano
$ sudo apt install haproxy
$ sudo nano /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg
  • The haproxy.cfg should contain the following values
Dieses Bild hat ein leeres Alt-Attribut. Der Dateiname ist haproxy.jpg
  • Exit and safe the config file
  • Now enable haproxy by setting ENABLED to 1
$ sudo nano /etc/default/haproxy
Dieses Bild hat ein leeres Alt-Attribut. Der Dateiname ist Enable-haproxy.jpg
  • Exit and save the file
  • Start „haproxy
$ sudo service haproxy start
  • Two last things needs to be done on the OctoPrint settings
    • Bind the server to the loopback interface
    • Add or edit the OctoPrint settings to reboot and/or restart the server and board
  • For that add the host: to the section server
  • And type the system commands for „server: commands: …“ and „server: host: …“
$ sudo nano ~/.octoprint/config.yaml
  • To get a real „OrangeOctopus“ add to the config.yaml this additional code.
  • Place it between api: and plugins:
  • Exit and save the file

Webcam setup (optional)

  • Connect your USB webcam to the OrangePi
  • for OrangePi One a usb hub is necessary to connect printer and camera, because the Pi One has only one USB port on board
  • Verify if the camera is connected and available with this commands:
$ ls -ltrh /dev/video*
$ lsusb
  • The result for the first command should be minimum one video port
  • The list of the second command should contain your camera
  • Install „mjpg streamer
$ sudo apt-get install cmake libjpeg8-dev
$ git clone
$ cd mjpg-streamer/mjpg-streamer-experimental
$ make
  • Test if the streamer is working and the camera is available
  • For that start the streamer manually
$ ./mjpg_streamer -i "./ -r 640x480 -f 30 -d /dev/video1" -o "./"
  • And open the browser page at http://[ipaddress]:8080/?action=stream
  • if the stream doesn’t appear and your first camera check above shows more that one video port, then try to change /dev/video1 to one of the other available ports
  • If your camera stream shows up go ahead with the setup, otherwise troubleshoot your camera connection (find more information in the „sources“ below
  • To stop the streamer and go on type CTRL-C
  • Create the script folder
  • Create the script
  • Fill with content like shown
$ mkdir /home/orangeoctopus/scripts
$ cd /home/orangeoctopus/scripts/
$ sudo nano /home/orangeoctopus/scripts/
  • Create the webcamDeamon script in the same folder
  • Fill with content like shown
$ sudo nano /home/orangeoctopus/scripts/webcamDaemon
  • Grant permissions
$ sudo chmod a+x
$ sudo chmod a+x webcamDaemon
  • Create service file with the following content
$ sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/webcamd.service
  • Reload and enable the service
$ sudo systemctl daemon-reload
$ sudo systemctl enable webcamd
  • Add the camera setting to the OctoPrint config
  • Adding „system: actions: .. “ enables the functionality to start and stop the webcam on the OctoPrint interface
  • Add the system: section after the server: section
  • Add the webcam: section after the system: section
$ sudo nano ~/.octoprint/config.yaml
  • possible values too:
    • snapshot:
    • stream: /webcam/?action=stream
  • The ip address has to be yours! The screenshot shows mine!
  • This settings has to follow the correct order shown here.
  • The „webcam: …“ setting can be adjusted later in the OctoPrint console

Finalize installation – Open OctoPrint

  • Power off the system, wait 30 seconds and bring back the system power.
  • Wait another minute to let the system start and establish the server
  • Change to your browser and if everything went as expected you should be able to open OctoPrint Setup Wizard on http://[ipaddress] or http://[hostename]
Dieses Bild hat ein leeres Alt-Attribut. Der Dateiname ist OctoPrint-1st.jpg


  • If you face problems with automatic start of OctoPrint you can try to start it manually and you will probably receive error messages that helps you to locate the problem.
$ ~/OctoPrint/venv/bin/octoprint serve
  • If you have a damaged YAML there is a backup file in the same folder. Delete the YAML file and replace it by the backup.
$ cd ~/.octoprint/
$ sudo rm config.yaml
$ cp config.backup config.yaml

Image files

  • Download: OrangeOctopus with webcam function
  • Use Win32 Disk Imager or balenaEtcher to write on an SD card
  • Once you wrote it to a SD card don’t forget to enlarge card space
  • Basic Linux setup – User: orangeoctopus Password: OrangeOctopus
  • Please change the password

Enlarging card space

$ sudo systemctl start armbian-resize-filesystem

Housing 3D printed

  • No Printer? No Time? No Problem! – Write a mail to
  • Because I am living in Germany I can only ship printed parts within the EU


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